View the Academic Standards for Fifth Grade Here
Second Grade
In Pennsylvania, the second-grade curriculum is designed to build upon the knowledge and skills that students acquired in first grade while also preparing them for more advanced work in later grades. Second-grade curriculum in Pennsylvania focuses on building a strong foundation in core subjects while also developing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Course Resources
SCIENCE- elevate SCIENCE student manual
SOCIAL STUDIES- Consumable Workbooks
enVision Mathematics Common Core- Grade 2 Volume 1 and 2
enVision Additional Practice Workbook - Grade 2 Volume 1 and 2

90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
Below 59% = F
Course Details
Fluently Add and Subtract Within 20- Students will use different strategies to fluently add and subtract within 20.
Work With Equal Groups- Students will learn even and odd, repeated addition
on, arrays, and skip counting.
Place Value- Students will model two, three, and four- digit numbers to 1,000.
Fluently Add and Subtract Within 100 Using Strategies- Students will fluently add and subtract 2 and 3-digit numbers using different strategies.
Work With Money and Time- Students will solve problems and make change using coins and paper currency with appropriate symbols. Students will tell and write time to the nearest five minutes using analog and digital clocks.
Measuring Length- Students will measure and estimate lengths in Standard Units using appropriate tools.
Shapes and Their Attributes- Students will analyze and draw 2 and 3-dimensional shapes having specified attributes. Students will partition shapes into halves, thirds, and quarters.
Graphs and Data- Students will represent and interpret data using line plots, picture and bar graphs.
End of Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course a successful student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of mathematical concepts through computation, problem-solving, analyzing, and effective communication. In conjunction with this, a second-grade student will also be exhibit proficiency in reading, writing, as well as enhance their social abilities as compared to other students on a second grade level. Students will also be expected to demonstrate understanding and knowledge in science, social studies, and other subjects as defined by the educational standards and curriculum.
Course Details
​In second grade, students will demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry, including the skills, processes, and tools necessary to conduct a simple scientific investigation. In Physical Science, students will learn about Properties of Matter and Changing Matter. In Earth Science, students will learn about Earth’s Land and Water and Earth’s Processes. In Life Science, students will learn about Plants, Animals, and Habitats.
In second grade, students apply their emerging understanding of civics, economics, geography, and history to their communities and others around the world. Students learn about how their community works as well as the variety of ways that communities organize themselves.