View the Academic Standards for Fifth Grade Here
First Grade
First-grade curriculum in Pennsylvania is designed to provide a well-rounded education for six-year-old students. It includes English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Art, and Music. In English Language Arts, students learn to read and write simple sentences, identify sight words, and develop comprehension skills. In Mathematics, they learn to count, add and subtract numbers up to 20, identify basic shapes, and develop an understanding of measurement and time. In Science, they explore the natural world around them, while in Social Studies, they learn about their community and the world around them. Physical Education helps develop gross motor skills and coordination, while Art and Music encourage creativity and self-expression. The curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation for future learning and development.
Course Resources
Students are empowered to develop as learners through Journey’s reading materials which include:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt reading book
Reader’s Notebook
online apps
​​​Reading Eggs
Boom Cards
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
Below 59% = F

End of Course Outcomes​
At the end of this course a successful student should be able to:
Reading: Students learn to read simple texts, identify sight words, and use phonics to decode words as well as confidently read on a first grade level.
Writing: Students learn to write simple sentences, use capital letters and punctuation, and spell common words.
Math: Students learn to count to 100, add and subtract within 20, and understand basic concepts of time, money, and measurement.
Science: Students learn about the natural world, including plants, animals, and the environment.
Social Studies: Students learn about their community and the world around them, including basic geography and cultural diversity.
Health and Physical Education: Students learn about healthy habits, nutrition, and physical activity.
Course Details