View the Academic Standards for Fifth Grade Here
Third Grade Math Curriculum is designed to introduce students to more complex mathematical concepts in an organized and systematic manner. It is a comprehensive curriculum that covers a variety of mathematical topics, including multiplication, division, fractions, geometry, and measurement. In this grade, students learn about number patterns and place value, properties of operations, and problem-solving strategies. They become fluent in multiplication and division facts, learn how to solve problems using arithmetic operations, and gain a clear understanding of fractions and their relationships to decimals. Additionally, students learn about basic geometric shapes and their properties and learn how to measure different quantities of time, length, weight, and capacity. Third Grade Math Curriculum is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to build a strong foundation for future math success.

Topic 1: Understand Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
Students will be able to use repeated addition to show the relationship between multiplication and addition, use number lines to join equal groups, and use arrays and properties to understand multiplication. Students will also be able to use sharing to separate equal groups and to think about division.
Topic 2: Multiplication Facts: Use Patterns
Students will be able to gain fluency in multiplication by using factors 0-10. Students will use number relationships and patterns to develop reasoning strategies to support their recall of the basic multiplication facts.
Topic 3: Apply Properties: Multiplication Facts for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Students will be able to use the distributive property to solve problems involving multiplication within 100. Specifically, students will be able to break apart unknown facts with factors 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8.
Topic 4: Use Multiplication to Divide: Division Facts
Students will be able to use multiplication facts to divide by relating multiplication and division. Students will also use their knowledge of even and odd numbers to identify multiplication patterns. In addition they will use properties to understand division involving 0 and 1 and use patterns to find unknown qualities and values in equations.
Topic 5: Fluently Multiply and Divide Within 100
Students will be able to use the multiplication table and the distributive property to find patterns in factors and products. They will also use number sense and reasoning while practicing multiplication and division of basic facts. Students will also use strategies such as skip counting and properties of operations to multiply. In conjunction, students will use their knowledge of the relationship between multiplication and division in order to solve real world problems involving equal groups.
Topic 6: Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition
Students will be able to use unit squares to find the area of a shape and figure. Students will also use standard units to measure the area of a shape. Students will use the formula for solving area to find the areas of squares and rectangles. They will use the distributive property to find the area of rectangles, as well as use it to find the area of irregular shapes.
Topic 7: Represent and Interpret Data
Students will be able to use graphs and frequency tables to compare and interpret data. They will also use scaled bar graphs to represent data sets. Using this knowledge, they will use graphs including bar graphs, picture graphs, tally charts, and frequency tables to solve problems.
Topic 8: Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract
Students will use place value and a number line to round numbers to the nearest ten and hundred, use rounding or compatible numbers to estimate a sum, and use rounding or compatible numbers to estimate a difference. Students will also be able to use place value to order numbers.
Topic 9: Fluently Add and Subtract within 1,000
Students will use regrouping to add 3-digit numbers, add three or more numbers using addition strategies, subtract multi-digit number using addition strategies, subtract multi-digit numbers using the expanded algorithm, use regrouping to subtract 3-digit numbers, and use strategies to add 3-digit numbers and subtract a 3-digit number from another 3-digit number with one or more zeros.
Topic 10: Multiply by Multiples of 10
Students will use patterns to find products when one factor is a multiple of 10, use different strategies to find products when one factor is a multiple of 10, and use the properties of multiplication to find products when one factor is a multiple of 10.
Topic 11: Use Operations with Whole Numbers to Solve Problems
Students will draw diagrams and write equations to solve two-step problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers, draw diagrams and write equations to solve two-step problems involving multiplication and division of whole numbers, examine relationships between quantities in a two-step word problem by writing equations, and choose and apply the operations needed to find the answer. Students will also use the order of operations to solve multi step equations. They will also use symbols to create true equations.
Topic 12: Understand Fractions as Numbers
Students will understand how to read and write unit fractions for equal-sized parts of a region, use a fraction to represent multiple copies of a unit fraction, determine and draw the whole (unit) given one part (unit fractions), represent fractions less than 1 on a number line, represent fractions greater than 1 on a number line, measure length to the nearest half inch and show the data on a line plot, and measure length to the nearest fourth inch and show the data on a line plot.
Topic 13: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
Students will find equivalent fractions that name the same part of the whole, represent equivalent fractions on the numberline, use models such as fraction strips to compare fractions that refer to the same whole and have the same denominator, use the number line to compare fractions, and use fraction names to represent whole numbers.
Topic 14: Solve Time, Capacity, Mass, and Money Problems
Students will show and tell time to the nearest minute using analog and digital clocks, tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes, solve word problems involving addition and subtraction to measure quantities of time, use standard units to estimate liquid volume,and use standard units to estimate the masses of solid objects. Students will also compare values of coins and bills, make change, and round money amounts.
Topic 15: Attributes of The-Dimensional Shapes
Students will identify quadrilaterals and use attributes to describe them, classify shapes according to their attributes, analyze and compare quadrilaterals and group them by their attributes, and solve math problems precisely, efficiently, and accurately using appropriate tools and mathematics vocabulary.
Topic 16: Solve Perimeter Problems
Students will find the perimeter of different polygons with common shapes, use the given sides of a polygon and the known perimeter to find the unknown side length, understand the relationship of shapes with the same perimeter and different areas, and understand the relationship between numbers to simplify and solve problems involving perimeter.
Student Assessments
Teacher observation
Supplemental worksheets including teacher made worksheets
Program provided worksheets/workbook pages
Program provided tests with teacher modifications
A– 90%-100%
F–59% or below